Local heroes of our time
Oris Local Hero

Heroic stories flooded our inbox when we announced the first Oris Local Heroes campaign in early 2024. We invited the global Oris community to nominate people living out our mission to bring Change for the Better and pledged that after a public vote, we would award an Aquis Date Upcycle to these Oris Local Heroes winners. Now we are happy to present you some of our Oris Local Hero Winners.

Oris Local Hero_Captain Camacho, Mexico

Captain Camacho initiated Chiapas’ first aerial reforestation. Despite pandemic disruptions, the project expanded, collecting millions of seeds and covering thousands of hectares. His dedication to environmental awareness continues to shape his community.

Oris Local Hero_Samantha Carletti Italy

Her non-profit, PKS Kids Italia Onlus, supports families impacted by Pallister-Killian syndrome. Despite personal tragedy, she advocates for awareness and collaborates globally, inspiring collective efforts for positive change.

Oris Local Hero_Fabian Puchelt Germany

Fabian and his dog Paula lead a volunteer rescue team in Garching-Hochbrück. They’re training for the International Rescue Dog Organisation to save lives globally. Their work brings hope in exceptional situations, like when a loved one disappears.

Oris Local Hero_Kerry Bachista US

Dr. Bachista, Medical Director at St. Johns County Fire Rescue, pioneered Neuroprotective CPR. This strategy optimizes brain blood flow, increasing survival rates in cardiac arrest cases. His research, recognized at a critical care conference, suggests it could save more lives than traditional CPR.

Oris Local Hero

Since 2020, Chunhua has been aiding the Chinese elderly in Melbourne, reshaping their landscape. She provides invaluable advice and assistance for free, attending to their needs. Her companionship alleviates their loneliness, bringing benefits to their lives.

Oris Local Hero_Mazlan Abdul Rahman MY

Koperal Mazlan, serving in Tentera Darat Malaysia, bravely jumped from the Penang Bridge to rescue two individuals. His act of courage has positively impacted the community.

Oris Local Hero_Sonia Sousa Portugal

Sónia Sousa Ell, founder of Quando + 1 é = - 1, is a diver and trainer promoting marine preservation. She works with schools across Portugal and has engaged the national community for an underwater cleanup. Her efforts led to partnerships and influenced national law for marine life protection.

Further Local Heroes were honoured, like Ron (top photo below), a firefighter who battled cancer. Sandra (bottom left photo), a specialist in radiology, is constantly innovating to enhance patient care. Alfonso (bottom right photo) helped crisis victims get insurance compensation through aerial photography of their homes. Their contribution and of all other Oris Local Heroes bring Change for the Better. Find the full list of Oris Local Heroes here.